Pathfinder, Time Traveler, Creator - About

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CONCEPTS & CREATIVE PROJECTS SINCE 1985 - Chronological order

Istruction: I have a Philosophy degree and Atistic high school diploma.

BOARDGAME - 2020 LOCKDOWN: “Thanks” to this damn virus im actually developing 2 Board Game: a “EFT inspired” survival  wargame and another different based on scavenging and exploring a post-atomic world.  

Escape from ScumWorld “sample” tiles and cards for playtest

PODCAST/RADIO - 2020 - Grazie Varagano Podcast, a Pulp radio show (in italian) that speak about awful stories about 

MUSIC - 2020:
Album, Agony Face Time Totems, Music, Artwork and concept direction - worlwide distrubution

ART - 2017/now - Projective runes artifact, artistic project, winner of some contest and prize, some exibition (now stopped by covid19)

Here my official website - https://rrart.org/

MUSIC - 2018: Album, Agony Face Evolving Discharges, Music, Artwork and concept direction - worlwide distrubution

ART - 2015: I Begun to develop first abstract art skills,paintings and works that, evolving, will lead to the concrete projective runes artifacts of 2017/2018.

VIDEOGAMES - 2014:  I actively contributed to the creation of the biggest and most provocative mod of Doom 2 (ID software) named GREZZO 2, contributing in game design, concept and enemy's design, audio design and weapons design.

MUSIC - 2013: Album, Agony Face Stormy quibblings, Music, Artwork and concept direction - worlwide distrubution

MUSIC/WEB - 2013: Musicspell.net (now closed)  - Artistic direction and graphic layout. Music oriented - creator of a worlwinde compilation of underground bands for the web magazine.

MUSIC - 2008: Album, Agony Face Monolithic Squeakings, Music, Artwork and concept direction - worlwide distrubution

MUSIC - At 14 (since now) -  I Started to play the electric guitar, passion for extreme and progressive music, with my band, still active, I wrote, played live and recorded 3 albums (last EP out in September 2020) published all over the world. (Different Labels)

RPG - At 13/14 - Start playng (As DungeonMaster)  the second era of Dungerns&Dragons; unhappy with the limitation of the basic rules I created (with a specific team) a new parallel regulation with different spells, races and worlds.

BOARD GAMES + PAINTINGS - At 10: I went crazy for the world of Games Workhop's Warhammer, where i learned to modify and paint 3d miniatures, and develops a strong passion for Ghotic/sci fi themes. 

This hobby opens to a small artistic career that leads me to be a painter at the Blues Brothers store (Milan). I also invented a lot of new character and new “category” class, using the concept of chaos army, mixed with mythological elements.

MODELLING - At 8/9: First modeling approach thanks to TAMIYA's M4WD, where it can physically modify the models by modifying the structure, aerodynamics and aesthetics of the cars.
- At the age of 9 I invented, ( it’s true, is swear 😃 ) a sort of LARPG (Live action role play game) with his classmates as players; mixing, maps, dice, and live actions; an excellent pastime during school breaks.